FlashBuilder 4.x Color Scheme/Theme

By | 8 December, 2011

Spending a lot of time in front of my monitor looking at code on a white background was slowly getting on my nerves. I looked up on changing the flash builder IDE color scheme and came up with some nice alternatives. My life coding life just got much nicer…and darker.

This is tested on Flash Builder 4.5/4.5.1/4.6:

1. Go to menu Help -> Eclipse Marketplace…;

2. Search for “theme”;

3. Find the entry called “Eclipse color theme” and install;

4. Go to menu Window -> Preferences;

5. Go to entry General -> Appearance -> Color Theme;

6. Select your favorite theme;

7. Write back and thank me for saving your eyes from the white coding death.

Optional – to change specific colors like background, selections, etc.:

In Window -> Preferences:

– General -> Appearance -> Colors and Fonts

– General -> Editors -> Text Editors

– General -> Editors -> Structured Text Editors

– Flash Builder – Editors – Syntax Coloring

I use an altered zenburn theme.