Category Archives: Linux

Reverse Proxy in Apache

Scenario: I have an apache server running on (localhost) that i want to use to access a python/django project that is being served on a private server on localhost:8000 (specifically at /museus). On my browser, i want to type: and it magically shows me what’s on localhost:8000/museus, without letting me know that there are… Read More »

PostgreSQL database Backup and Restore from the CLI

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/wwwmani/public_html/42/wp-content/plugins/wp-shkshell/wp-shkshell.php on line 59

Quick note about how to backup and restore a PostgreSQL database from the command line. Things to know: – Name of the database you want to backup; – Username and password of the database user; – your way around a command line – at least how to open it or who to ask to open… Read More »

Check internet speed from the command line

So, i was fiddling with my raspberry pi and thought about checking the internet download and upload speed. After a few searches and tests, this seems to be the easiest and finest solution: go to the cli and type: [user]$ wget -O speedtest-cli wait for the python script download, then: [user]$ chmod +x speedtest-cli… Read More »

Get last modified and change date of file in linux

Short post to keep things simple, and i also have better things to do: You had a great script doing skynet stuff on your server, but you noticed it stopped tracking the missile network sometime last week. Could someone have changed it? You know the last time you edited it, sometime around november 1976, so… Read More »

Where is php.ini

If you are configuring some remote strange not safe for work server and you have the urge to edit the php.ini – assuming you have permissions to do it – you can find out where the file is like this: read on.